Government throws up a smoke screen

Smokers in Quebec are getting prepped to meet their makers courtesy their provincial government.

The sixfoot under mural is being painted on public smoking rooms across the province in hopes of deterring smokers from lighting up.

“I tink dis idea is crazy,” mumbled Pierre Lavaliere, in between taking a drag of his cigarette and swig of his coffee. “Dis is a waste of dollars. If I want to smoke, I will smoke. Dough when I look up it scares me a bit. Da guy saying the prayers looks like da priest at my church. I can't remember for sure dough cause I only go at Christmas and Easter.”

The government is hoping their initiative will help curb smoking in Quebec, which ranks as one of the smokiest provinces in Canada

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Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Prouldy distorting the truth since 2005