Study sheds light on what men and women want in a mate

Researchers at Quebec's Concordia University say they have come to some startling conclusions on what men want in the ideal woman and what women want in their ideal man.

In a survey 500,000 men across the world, and reaching as far as tribesmen in Papua New Guinea, men described their ideal partner as someone who is sexually inexperienced, but loves sex at least three times a week. The ideal female has a career but is also full-time homemaker who has dinner on the table when he gets home. She has a slim build, is athletic, and has pretty eyes, hair, good complexion and a tight butt. Large breasts are a plus, but not all that important.

The study's lead author, Venus Mars, says the specs men are looking for are similar to what is found in the Bible. "Our participants, whether knowingly or unknowingly, espouse a view of the ideal woman that is very similar to the views held by individuals thousands of years ago." However, she adds, "It's hard to be this woman."

Women who were surveyed, and there was 500,000 of them, responded that their partner should be someone who is strong yet gentle, is a free thinker but must be able to conform. He is powerful yet sensitive, has a great career yet helps clean the house without having to be asked and loves to help raise the children. He should also always be in control yet cries, knows how to apologize and is willing to admit he is wrong. The ideal man should be a sex expert who's only been with one woman. He also prefers to cuddle and isn't bothered by not having sex months on end. Women prefer their men also be well endowed, but not overly large.

Mars suggests that women's ideal specs for a man are similar to what is found in a Harlequin romance novel.

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