Pete's Web Links: Boxing baby bears and bed jumping

I know when I don't feel like doing anything, I spend time on the net, playing online games or shopping for crap on Ebay. To help you do the one of my favourite things, here's this week's fun links.

Winnebago Man - — WARNING! EXPLICT LANGUAGE! This is the funniest crap ever! I guess this is an infomercial or something for Winnebagos. The only problem is that the spokesperson is always messing up his lines and going on a vulgar tangent afterwards. Share this one with your friends! I put it on my myspace immediately.

Cub Boxing - — I don't really laugh at this stuff because I hate seeing humans do stupid things with animals. For those of you who are animal activists, watch this clip and go after these people. For the rest of you, I say take a look because I don't think any of us would ever imagine watching baby bears box.

Hotel Bed Jumping - - Admit it! You've been at a hotel and because it's not YOUR bed, you jump and jump and jump on the hotel's bed because you have to let the inner child in you out (plus you don't care if you break anything). If you're into doing that more than most people, go to this site and add your pics and experiences or just check out other's excellent bed jumps. My God…is this what the internet has come to?

WHEN COWS ATTACK! - — Just when you think it's safe to enter a room, THE COW GOES IN FOR THE KILL! Well, maybe it's not that drastic of a situation, but it sure is funny watching this girl freak out at this cow trying to enter the room she's in!

Mime Emulation - - C'mon…you know you've always wondered what it would be like to be a mime! NO? Well, here's your chance! This is one of the weirdest things I've seen in a while and I have no clue as to why anyone would program such a thing. All I have to say is good luck my mime friend because you'll need it as you're harassed in the park.