Stretching makes walking after a hard workout actually possible

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: JACOB AMMENTORP LUND, THINKSTOCK
Stretching is one of the most beneficial things you can do post-workout, so why does no one do it?

“I’ll do it later” you say as you leave your puddle of sweat in the gym and carry your sore muscles to the shower. Stretching is the number one neglected component of most fitness routines. Many do it wrong, and many don’t do it at all.

Some of you may have been told to stretch at the beginning of your workout. This is okay, but there is a right way and a wrong way.

WRONG: before you do anything else, you grab a limb or two and hold it tight for a few moments and then give it a shake, rattle and roll; now you are ready to pump some serious iron.

RIGHT: You don’t need to stretch at the beginning of the workout, but if you feel a little stiff, make sure you stretch dynamically (slow, gradual, large range of motion movements) before you do static (held) stretches.

You can also stretch during your workout. This is typically best after you are finished all your sets with a particular group of muscles or after a really intense set. You do not need to hold these stretches for a long time. Think of them as more of a tension release than a full stretch. This kind of stretching will help you feel ready for the next set and may even improve performance. Make sure you don’t over extend these stretches as you can cause injury when you jump into the next move or heavy weight.

Think of stretching at the end of your workout as your reward to your body for putting in all the hard work.

Give yourself at least five minutes (20 to 30 seconds per stretch) of full body stretching. Even if you think you didn’t work a particular muscle, it’s still a good way to feel relaxed and prepare for the next workout. Don’t wait until the shower or later in the day, it’s never the same as making it a priority part of your workout.

If you need guidance with stretching, you can set up an orientation appointment at the Fanshawe Fitness Centre.