Nine ways to make your life more eco-friendly

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: ANGELA MCINNES
Small steps, like placing your Tim Horton's cup in a Fanshawe compost bin, can make all the difference in our climate change journey.

The Greta Thunbergs of the world inspire us every day to work towards a better future where the air is better, the grass is greener and the trees are taller and certainly greater in number.

There is a lot of talk about going green. Thankfully governments and businesses around the world are beginning to take actions to back up that talk. And, guess what? Individuals like us can also do our part, one baby step at a time.

Here are few simple ways you could make your life eco-friendlier and make your contribution to the climate change movement around the world.

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

1. Drive less and opt for public transportation. As a Fanshawe College student your identity card serves as a bus pass and we know that the full-time students will not be affected by the London Transit Commission (LTC) price hikes. So, why drive and incur expense on fuel and parking when your transportation could be free and environmentally friendly?

2. Switch to an electric vehicle and charge it with solar. Even if you do drive or are looking to buy a new car soon, we would suggest picking an electric vehicle as it comes with a bucket full of benefits.

3. Say no to straws. Every time you buy a drink, ask yourself if you really need a straw. If you hesitate to answer then do not opt for it. You can also switch to those reusable straws that are available in retail stores and online stores.

4. Bring your own cloth produce bags to the grocery store or the farmers market. Plastic is one of the biggest enemies of our planet. Avoid it at all cost, wherever possible.

5. Shop at your local thrift store. Additionally, check out garage sales when you’re looking for new homewares, small appliances, even trendy clothing. They’re also cheaper.

6. Go easy on the meat. Not having red meat, even if it’s just for two or three days a week, can have quite a significant impact on reducing your carbon footprint.

7. Recycle your cans and bottles and coffee cups. Make sure you sort your recycling properly. At Fanshawe, you can place your used Tim Hortons cup in the compost bin, where it will be combusted and turned into biofuel.

8. Do not waste food. Wasted food ends up in landfills that add to the amount of CO2 being created in the air.

9. Fix it. Repairing or fixing something is more environmentally friendly than simply throwing things away, although the latter may seem easier and cheaper sometimes. The internet gives you access to the tools and information you need to fix practically anything, and if you still can’t fix it then why not try and turn it into something else?

If you’ve already decided to stop living a wasteful lifestyle and are resolved to live an eco-friendlier lifestyle, you might feel a little overwhelmed about all of the big changes in your life. Starting something new can be stressful when you are unsure where to begin. Rest assured, you have already completed the most difficult step: deciding to make a change.

Focus on smaller changes like the ones we’ve suggested above before you tackle the more difficult steps of your eco-friendly resolution.