
An honest assessment regarding your relationship with others and their beliefs will determine how you distribute your time. Take care of medical matters secretively. There is no point in sharing until you have a plan in place that is ready to launch. Don’t give in to someone trying to push you into something that doesn’t interest you. Gather information. Find out where everyone stands and what they plan to do next. Make decisions that help you fulfill your dreams without disrupting others. Act on facts, not assumptions, and you will make the right decision.


The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Support comes in many forms. Experience flexible seervices that support you where you are.

Acting on an assumption will affect your reputation and put you in a vulnerable position. Verify information and disregard exaggerated input. Surround yourself with people who get you and you’ll gain the support you require to outmaneuver someone trying to stand in the way of progress. Approach stubbornness with positivity and be willing to carry on yourself if necessary. Money will be an issue if you overuse your credit card. Budget wisely and learn to do without extras that, in hindsight, you’ll realize you do not need. Help where you feel you can make a difference.


Stay focused on what you want to achieve and refuse to let others interfere with your progress. Physical fitness and growth are encouraged. Pay more attention to what others are up to and you’ll avoid letting someone inch their way into a position you want. Protect your interests. Take a moment to evaluate sensitive situations before taking on something likely to be bothersome. Don’t take on someone else’s responsibilities when you have yet to take care of yourself. Live with things the way they are before making changes. Listen carefully, and question anything that appears to be false.


Put your house in order before you move on to something pleasurable. Eliminating stress first will ensure you enjoy your downtime more. Networking, discussing and applying for something that interests you will play in your favour if you oversee and question anything that may conflict with what you want. Be direct, and you’ll get your way. Expect an acquaintance to use emotional manipulation to take advantage of you. Choose your words carefully, and don’t promise more than you can deliver. A friendship with someone unique will encourage you to use your imagination.


Pick up as much information as possible. What you discover will help you determine if someone is trying to take advantage of you. Choose peace and love over discord, despite what others do. Make changes at home that will make you feel at ease in your surroundings. Eliminate situations that are dragging you down or costing you money. Expect someone to play mind games. Know when to say no to someone who is causing you duress. Don’t put up with people who exaggerate. Take the initiative to turn what you want into a reality. Share your concerns with like-minded people.


Put more thought into how best to earn your and put a plan in motion that will help you use your attributes accordingly. Don’t go to battle with one of your peers. Observation is in your best interest if you want to outmaneuver someone competing with you. Form a unique alliance with someone who shares your principles. Be aware of the wants and needs of those you love. Someone close to you will feel neglected if you spend too much time away from home. Honour promises. Doing so will bring you closer to someone special. A long-term plan gives you hope and add to your self-confidence.


Attract attention, be fun and enjoy spending time with someone you are attracted to. A social event will lead to something new and exciting. Less play and more work will help pay the bills. Stress and anxiety will take over if you slack off or let someone talk you into something you can’t afford. Don’t trust your peers to give you valid information. Go directly to the source and verify what someone expects of you. Update your image or health routine. Using force isn’t helpful or necessary. Give others the freedom to do as they please, and you’ll gain respect and the right to do what suits you best.


Take part in something you find rejuvenating and it will bring you satisfaction and comfort. Don’t take a risk that can lead to ill health or injury. The people you associate with will determine your success. Consider what’s on the table and lean toward options that allow you to use your skills to get ahead. Be a free thinker and choose to do things your way. Don’t trust anyone with your money, ideas or secrets. A personal journey is best taken alone. Sort out what you want and follow the path that feels right. You’ll gain insight if you talk with someone you respect.


Pay attention to what others say and ask questions if you feel uncertain about their intentions. Consider how you can use your knowledge, skills and discipline to help a cause. Take better care of your health and emotional well-being. Someone will give you the wrong impression or promise you something that’s not realistic. Don’t share your secrets or intentions. Confusion will take over if you get involved with overthe- top individuals. Concentrate on what you can do to better yourself, not lower your standards to suit someone else’s needs. Protect against loss and theft.


Being disciplined will help counter slipping backward or letting the changes others make be detrimental to your health or well-being. Pay attention to money coming and going. Tally up what you owe, and budget wisely to avoid being compromised. Look for an alternative way to bring in extra cash. Offering a service that helps those in need will ease financial stress. Take better care of yourself. How you present yourself to the world will impact the way others treat you. Initiate changes that encourage you to organize your life. Sell off what you don’t use so you can free up space.


Don’t use force; use finesse, and you will convince others to see things your way. Change isn’t necessary if you can get along with what you already have in place. Take the information you receive and use it to broaden your outlook. Getting ahead will require raising your qualifications. If you are gullible, someone will play with your emotions. Before you donate time or money to a cause, decide whether you can handle the challenge. Don’t take on more than you can handle. Go through the proper channels to avoid setbacks. Knowing what’s required will make your next move easier.


You can make headway if you are passionate about what you are trying to achieve. Don’t let anyone lure you in a direction that will benefit them instead of you. You’ll gain insight into what you are up against emotionally, physically and financially. Play your cards close to your chest. Control your emotions and you’ll avoid damaging your reputation. Don’t mix business with pleasure or make promises that will curtail your freedom to do as you please. Connect with someone who has your back and it will clear up any trepidation you have and make your life easier.
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