Transit fares to increase in 2024

A photo of the bus stop at Fanshawe College's Oxford St. entrance CREDIT: GRACIA ESPINOSA
The London Transit Commission (LTC) is proposing an increase in funding which could impact student bus passes in the future.

It will soon become more costly to ride the bus in London.

The London Transit Commission (LTC) has said it will require more financial support from both the city and riders, estimating an increase of $109.9 million in the current budget in order to maintain its current level of service.

“Unfortunately, about 90 per cent of our budget is for the service on the road,” said Kelly Paleczny, LTC General Manager. “The only way to reduce that budget is to reduce service. So, if we wanted to maintain the same level of service, there was no way of avoiding looking at both the fare increase and the increase we’re asking for in the city. The major cost drivers in our budget, labour, fuel (45 per cent higher than the current multi-year budget), and general insurance (48 per cent higher during the current multi-year budget), have raised exponentially over the last few years.”

Navigator. Londons student lifestyles magazine.

The last time the LTC increased its fares was in 2020. According to the staff report from the LTC published on Sept. 25, 2019, the price of bus passes increased by 17 per cent, while cash fares increased by 9 per cent. So, the unlimited ride city pass went from $81 to $95, and the single cash fares for adults, seniors and students went from $2.25 to $3.

“Twelve years passed before the fare increase in 2020. So, we went a long time without a fare increase. But inflation is something beyond our control. We must continue to present a balanced budget. This significant increase will last us through the next four-year budget cycle. But you know what? If inflation continues to go the way it has, there may be a need for another increase that at some point sooner than that four-year window,” Paleczny said.

The increase proposed for January 2024 will be approximately between 18 and 20 per cent.

The new prices break down this way:

  • Cash fare rises between $3.50 (18 per cent) and $3.75 (20 per cent) for adults
  • Five-ticket strips for adults rise from $13.25 (18 per cent) to $13.50 (20 per cent)
  • An unlimited monthly bus pass will jump to $112.00 (18 per cent) or $114.00 (20 per cent)
  • Bus passes for post-secondary, youth and low-income earners will rise between $72.00 (18 per cent) and $73.00 (20 per cent)
The increase would not affect Fanshawe College students studying during the 2023-24 academic term, who have already paid for a city pass in their fees.

“We have had a contract with the LTC since 2000. So, we negotiated an agreement specifically for the student pass; the city fares are entirely separate. So, whatever they charge for the city is completely different from that agreement,” clarified Carol Balzer, Senior Director of Operations of Fanshawe Student Union (FSU).

But this could change going forward.

“We must raise about $3.5 million from a fare increase. So, we’re returning to the commission at the end of September with recommendations concerning where those increases will be and which categories will impact,” explained Paleczny.