Five tips to level up your small business

The summer is upon us! What better time is there to level-up your small business?
Exam season is all wrapped up and the summertime is quickly approaching. If you’re a small business owner who is interested in leveling-up your company now that school is on break, this article is perfect for you! These five tips can help you elevate your small business over the next four months.
Focus on your social media presence
Social media is the perfect place to increase your clientele and reach individuals that you may never have before. The key to social media is consistency which can often look like a content schedule. Don’t underestimate the power of gaining a social media presence as this can heavily influence your profits if done correctly. Take this summer break to build a content calendar for your social media platforms and have fun with creating engaging content. Don’t sleep on Instagram reels!
Marketing yourself = marketing your business
If you know how to sell yourself, selling your business will come naturally. But what does that really mean? When you promote yourself, you’re also showcasing your business’ strengths, values, and expertise. It’s about building genuine connections with prospective clients, understanding their needs, and demonstrating how your skills and offerings can address those needs.
Don’t be afraid to ask the question
I know it can be scary, but in the end what will you really lose by simply asking a question? There are two ways this can end. One, you pitch your business to a company, and they don’t respond or reject your offer. Or, two, they say yes and can completely shift your business. Never be afraid to just ask, because someone could very well take you up on an offer that will enhance your business to another level. If they say no, at least you know you tried, and it probably wasn’t meant to be.
Rejection is redirection
This goes very well with my previous point. If your business proposal gets rejected, don’t take it personally. It can obviously be a little discouraging but try to remember that everything does happen for a reason and if something didn’t work out, it’s more than likely for something that is far better or simply wouldn’t have been a good match or good business for you. Change your mindset of rejection being a bad thing. Rejection is taking you on a journey to level up your business in an even better way than you anticipated.
Attention to detail
Now that you have more time on your hands, take a moment to focus on the attention to detail of your business. Put yourself in consumer’s shoes and ask yourself, what you would want as a customer? This can help take away the emotional connection you may have as a business owner, because it allows your mind to wander as a consumer. I think this is one of my favorite tips as a small business owner myself. I started my yoga business in January, and I still ask myself every time I prepare for a class, “What would I want as a student?” Always try to put yourself in your clients’ shoes and take this time to pay attention to detail of how you can do better.
Some of these five tips I’ve personally used in my small business and have seen a growth pattern when abiding by them. There’s usually always something on the list as a business owner that you want to incorporate in your business, so use this time off wisely. For those readers who don’t own a small business but aspire to have one, keep a note of these five tips for the future.