DVD Review: Film proves wrestling stars should stay in the ring

I'm going to do a quick little blurb about the last few flicks I've seen on DVD and let you know if they're worth your time.

The Marine — Everyone who reads this paper should know that I love wrestling and most would then think that if there's a wrestler starring in a movie that I would be gung-ho to watch it. Well, I'm not and I really didn't need to see this one. To tell you the truth, about five minutes in, I couldn't keep my witty remarks to myself (unfortunately for my girlfriend) because the movie's dialogue is just HORRID.

Remember The Running Man or Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger? Those movies had over the top action and some dialogue that wasn't great, but they were fun movies. This movie is NOT fun.

It's so bad that I only got through an hour of it before it put me right to sleep.Yep, a movie with loud explosions and numerous (horribly done) action and fight scenes made me clonk right out. Thank you WWE pictures for wasting an hour of my life. Don't watch this garbage.

The Descent — I think I've ranted and raved somewhere in the past five months of the Interrobang about how much I thought this movie kicked-ass. On DVD, you get the same great show, only now with MORE GORE!

An excellent claustrophobic based plot gets even better with crazy monsters and limbs flying everywhere. The bonuses on the DVD make it even better! Make sure you don't miss this on your next trip to rent or buy (I say buy it nonetheless).

An Inconvenient Truth — This film is such a scary eye-opener about global warming. Al Gore takes us through his fight trying to get the US Congress to take it more seriously while showing us (and his seminar crowd) some frightening statistics and images that us as humans are responsible for.

It's hard to dismiss this warming after watching this film and I think everyone should have to see it for themselves. You owe it to yourself and our environment to check this one out, even if it makes you think and scares you a little.