Loader bucks cause stir on campus

As the Fanshawe Student Union Election heated up so did the collars of a number of self important people around the campus.

While the ire of Big Brother was raised over the “Vote or Die” campaign of Darius Mirshahi seeking office as FSU VP Entertainment, another candidate, Mark Loader, seeking the office of VP Finance was being investigated by Campus Security under counterfeit charges.

Loader's clever campaign included the heavily circulated Loader bucks, pictured above, with a likeness of Loader imposed on various Canadian currency, including the brown $100 and the red $50 bill, with Loader's name and the position he was running for on it. The colour copied bills were turned into security to investigate if the bills were contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada and/or copyright infringement.

The concern over the Loader bucks proved to be founded after the one sided colour copied bills began turning up in tills around the campus, and students, and even some staffers began passing the bills off as real currency. One student even paid off his remaining tuition fee in Loader bucks, but determining which student it was is proving problematic for the Registrar's Office, as the fake currency got mixed in with actual currency and no notes were taken on who paid by cash that day.

Loader bucks were also found in the tills of most cafeteria outlets, Tim Horton's, the College's Bookstore and the Computer Store, and the LTC is reporting some students used it as bus fare while telling the drivers to keep the change as they wanted to do their part to “help out the LTC.”

The embarrassment over thousands of dollars lost to the College in this caper is numbing.

“I can't believe the money scanners let these dollars pass through. It had to be something else,” said a college employee, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were speaking without clearance from Marketing and Communications because M&C talk for everyone these days, even when they are not directly involved and are relaying information second and even third hand. “I think what happened was college staff are still angered over their paltry raises of a few weeks back when the college system rearranged the pay bands hosing a lot of loyal employees. What better way to get back at the suits and beancounters who worship at the almighty alter of Dollars & Cents.”

While the largess of the college is finally awakening to the negative impact of the recent pay band fiasco, Loader's concept of Loader bucks is now being considered as a bonus initiative for beleaguered staffers to spend on goods and services on campus. Staffers would get “College Dollars” based on how they performed in any given week. The concept would have a college administrator imposed on to their own denomination. As an example Bernice Hull, Vice President, Planning & Administrative Services would be on the $5 bill, while President Howard Rundle would be on the $100, and everyone else on everything in between.

Before the concept becomes reality the college will have to investigate any copyright infringment this may pose since Loader developed the concept and the college is lifting it from him.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.