Fanshawe takes over Second Street

May 1 brings new changes to the street that boarders Fanshawe College, formally known as Second Street here in London.

Although it won't officially be announced until early June, Fanshawe College has been approved by the City of London to have Second Street, running from Oxford Street to Cheapside Street, changed to Fanshawe College Boulevard with the new college address being 1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard, P.O. Box 7005.

With these new changes made it may cause concern for some, where summer students and staff at Fanshawe may worry about how this will affect their mailing services.

Bonnie Thompson, Publications Officer in the Marketing and Communications department here at Fanshawe reassures the surrounding community.

“This change will not cause delays in receiving our mail. All mail with the Oxford Street address will reach you just as quickly because Canada Post sorts our mail by P.O. Box number, not our street address,” said Thompson.

This new addition will now be incorporated in with the three current separations of Second Street and broken down into the following: Killaly to Cheapside is Sanford St, Cheapside to Oxford is now Fanshawe College Boulevard, Oxford to Dundas is known as Second St and Dundas to Wavel is Saskatoon.

Although address changes will be done, it will be on a gradual basis. Any business related or promotional material with Fanshawe's old address can still be used and carried through into 2008.

With this year being Fanshawe's 40-year anniversary, a garden party will take place on June 8 and 9 in order to announce the renovations that have occurred over this past year to the London community. The events include the official opening of the new college gates, the rededication of the “Discovery of Hands” statue and now the use of Fanshawe College Boulevard.