20 Questions: James comes clean on where his lips have been

First-year Fanshawe student, James Wilkinson is outgoing, smart, and enthusiastic and from looking at his submitted picture, has a great sense of humour.

1. What is something about you that most people don't know?
Never had a relationship or kissed ANYONE. Not even my mom!

2. If you were on a deserted island and could only bring one item or person with you, what would it be?
Is there electricity? Then my Mac.

3. What is your greatest indulgence?

4. What was your favourite television show of all time?
“Ren and Stimpy.”

5. Who is your favourite band/group/musician?
Currently, Oomph!

6. What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
Think things through.

7. Who is your role model?
Don't have one.

8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose to live?
Somewhere in east Europe; Holland or Germany.

9. What was your first job?

10. What is your dream job?
Maker of the paper. NO! Professional video producer.

11. What would your last meal be?
Smoked Pork Chops with baked beans, mashed potatoes and BBQ corn on the cob!

12. What stresses you out?
People who just don't get it!

13. Do you consider yourself a risk taker? If so, what is the biggest risk you've taken?
Sometimes, I once jumped off a 20-foot plateau into a lake.

14. If you could foresee the outcome of one event or moment in your life, what would it be?
First Kiss, so I could make sure I do it right.

15. What is your favourite drink?
Sex on the Beach.

16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My weight. I want to be buff and I'm working on it, kinda .. maybe.. sorta..

17. What actor would you choose to play you in a movie?
Michael Moore

18. If you could have three wishes fulfilled, what would they be?
1. Be athletic looking.
2. Lots of Money.
3. And most important of all, to keep my really good friends.

19. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes-ish. Though it was more like crush at first sight.

20. When and where was your last vacation?
Never gone on a vacation either.