Pete's Links: Laugh your way through the stress
As you guys and girls are getting ready to head into those crazy end-of-the-semester tests, you need some laughs! Hopefully these will do the job.
Scaring a Garbage Man garbage_man_scare_prank_backfires.html
Oh my. I never thought about doing this, but it's almost genius for some kid to wait in a box on the side of the road for the garbage truck to pull up to his house. Watch as he scares the crap out of the poor garbage man and then watch the kid cower as the now pissed off garbage man almost beats the hell out of him. Good stuff!
N64 Kid v=pFlcqWQVVuU (or just type N64 kid into Youtube)
Wow...I don't know if this is really funny or really embarrassing. This kid is going to go down two paths in life because of this and I'll let you guess what they are. It is quite amusing, though. I was only half excited when I got my SNES or first Playstation. For added value, and laughs, make sure you click on the “N64 Kid Metal Remix.”
Now that's a crazy cat (or type in Pinky the Cat)
I feel for this poor guy. All he wanted to do was to find ol' Pinky a good home. “He's a loving cat” the man states and then it happens: PINKY GOES APESHIT! I've never seen a cat flip-flop it like Pinky. Pinky wants to get away but the leash doesn't help. Witness Pinky then attack the man's leg and groin region. Maybe I should get rid of the cat I just got...
Bikini News
Ok...I'm sorry but this one is for the guys that need to take a little bit of a stress relief while being informed about current events in the news and the world of pop culture! Watch as these beauties deliver (cough) the goods in their weekly broadcasts.
Roshambo Action
Man oh I ever laugh when I see people get kicked in the nuts! This is why I want to share more nut kicking action starring these two guys, who try to knock each other to the ground by taking turns kicking each other in the nuts. Perhaps South Park has really tarnished my mind. Have fun laugh, people!
Scaring a Garbage Man garbage_man_scare_prank_backfires.html
Oh my. I never thought about doing this, but it's almost genius for some kid to wait in a box on the side of the road for the garbage truck to pull up to his house. Watch as he scares the crap out of the poor garbage man and then watch the kid cower as the now pissed off garbage man almost beats the hell out of him. Good stuff!
N64 Kid v=pFlcqWQVVuU (or just type N64 kid into Youtube)
Wow...I don't know if this is really funny or really embarrassing. This kid is going to go down two paths in life because of this and I'll let you guess what they are. It is quite amusing, though. I was only half excited when I got my SNES or first Playstation. For added value, and laughs, make sure you click on the “N64 Kid Metal Remix.”
Now that's a crazy cat (or type in Pinky the Cat)
I feel for this poor guy. All he wanted to do was to find ol' Pinky a good home. “He's a loving cat” the man states and then it happens: PINKY GOES APESHIT! I've never seen a cat flip-flop it like Pinky. Pinky wants to get away but the leash doesn't help. Witness Pinky then attack the man's leg and groin region. Maybe I should get rid of the cat I just got...
Bikini News
Ok...I'm sorry but this one is for the guys that need to take a little bit of a stress relief while being informed about current events in the news and the world of pop culture! Watch as these beauties deliver (cough) the goods in their weekly broadcasts.
Roshambo Action
Man oh I ever laugh when I see people get kicked in the nuts! This is why I want to share more nut kicking action starring these two guys, who try to knock each other to the ground by taking turns kicking each other in the nuts. Perhaps South Park has really tarnished my mind. Have fun laugh, people!