Third time's a charm for I Am Legend

I Am Legend

Although Richard Matheson's 1954 novel I Am Legend has been adapted for the big screen two previous times, the third installment of this chilling story takes this tale to a whole new level with Will Smith's supreme acting skills and great special effects.

Imagine a world where we have finally found a cure for cancer. That cure would be spread to people all over the planet. Now, imagine if the cure had a horrible side effect that could easily be spread to an uninfected person. Suddenly the entire human race, save a few who are immune, have been turned into something else.

Robert Neville (Will Smith) is a military scientist who is trying to find the cure for the new disease mutation that has engulfed the human population. The mutation has turned humans into night crawlers that are lead by one's deepest desire, survival. Robert is the only person left in New York City and he spends his days with his dog Sam, a German Sheppard, navigating the city, watching movies and researching constantly. After he successfully captures an infected human to test a new vaccine on, Robert sets into motion a series of events that will effect him and the entire world immensely.

At times Robert makes the audience envy him for the freedom he has, having all of New York City to himself and with a blink of an eye we realize that he is haunted by his past and is in desperate need to talk to someone real.

This movie was amazing. The effects of the mutated humans were awesome and I really liked how the background story was laid out in dreams and wasn't explained all at once, so it keeps you guessing. While this movie had only one main actor, there was nothing missing because Smith's performance was huge. He is one of the most talented actors in films today and continues to amaze me with his choice of roles and his consistently phenomenal performances.

I would not at all be surprised if Smith receives a nomination for his work in I Am Legend. This story is not a new one, as it has been used in two movies previously, The Last Man on Earth, with Vincent Price (1964), and The Omega Man, with Charlton Heston (1971). However, this modern adaptation was very successful. I recommend this movie to anyone who likes dramatic thrillers and is a fan of Will Smith.

Final Words: Saw it. Loved it. Will Smith just blows my mind.