Pitt making it right for New Orleans

Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt has made headlines as of late, however it hasn't been due to an upcoming film release.

Pitt, star of films such as Fight Club and Ocean's 13, recently launched the “Make It Right Project,” which will see 150 new low-cost, eco-friendly homes built in New Orleans, site of the infamous Hurricane Katrina. Calling for financial help from corporations, and other wealthy individuals, Pitt would eventually like to see thousands of these homes built.

At first it was seen as a generous donation of time and effort by a Hollywood heavyweight, who was looking to give back to those who are less fortunate.

However, sources indicate that the move may not be as selfless as has been initially believed. Rumour has it that Pitt, his wife Angelina Jolie, and several other A-listers are in dire financial trouble, mainly due to the Writer's Guild of America strike.

“Of course he wants to live there,” said “ShowBuzz Nightly” host Dirk Cameron. “He's out of work, and his last film The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, well, it was in theatres for about the length of time it takes to say the title. Plus, he never knows how many kids his wife might adopt while he is away. He could go to the grocery store, only to come back home and discover two more children. Clearly he has realized it is time to tighten the purse strings.”

Pitt and Jolie have reportedly put their homes in New York, Miami, Paris, Thailand, and an island that they own off the coast of Dubai on the market. They plan to make one of the $150,000 homes in New Orleans their primary, and only residence.

Pitt and Jolie are certainly not the only stars that have been affected by the lack of activity in Tinseltown. Matt Damon has recently been spotted hanging around train tracks. Eyewitnesses say that Damon was sporting an unkempt beard, wearing filthy looking flannel attire, and was carrying his personal possessions in a sack tied to the end of a stick.

George Clooney, Jim Carrey, Harrison Ford, Julia Roberts, Will Smith and Mel Gibson have already snatched up homes near the new Jolie-Pitt property. In addition, The Spice Girls, David Beckham, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes plan to share a home, and are hoping to land a reality television show out of the situation.

Thousands of individuals who lost their homes find themselves on waiting lists to move into the neighbourhood. The only consolation for those individuals is that they are actually ahead of Jennifer Aniston on that waiting list.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.