Going under the radar: Tips on how to keep your party under control

1. Let your neighbours in on the plan
Knocking on your new neighbours’ door not only gives you a chance to introduce yourself and invite them over, but it also lets them in on plan and may even save you a visit from police.

2. Keep it off Facebook
Inviting 400 of your Facebook “friends” to your party or announcing it for all to see is just asking for an out of control incident. Just let your real friends know about the plans and keep unwanted guest, or even those you don’t know, out.

3. Hide valuables
So what if you are proud of your new Xbox, having valuables on display only invites those unknown guests to take them while you aren’t watching, or even worse, come back and clean you out when you aren’t at home.

4. Look out for your friends
Accidents can happen, and they are more likely to happen when there is alcohol involved. By designating one person to not get sloshed and keep an eye on things is in everyone’s best interest.

5. Watch the noise
Noise complaints are not uncommon this time of year, so by keeping a handle on the decibels may save you and each of your roommates and $200 fine and a visit from the cops.

6. Ban bottles
Asking people to bring cans instead of bottles is a great way to cut down on clean-up and space when returning them to the beer store.

7. Provide mix, cups and food
There are some big consequences for drinking and driving or drinking underage, but supplying non-alcoholic beverages will give guests another option.

8. Co-operate with Police
It’s never good when the cops show up uninvited, but by keeping your cool as the host, and making sure your guests do as well, shows the authorities that you are responsible and have things under control.

9. Prepare to have overnight guests
If your guests have had too much to drink tell them to pull up some carpet and stay the night.

10. Clean up
Part of being a good neighbour is to keep your property looking respectable. Couches are meant for the living room and any remains from your party should be cleaned up as soon as possible.