5 Questions: FSU VP Internal Veronica Barahona

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1. What's a service or event the FSU does that no one else knows about?
A lot of people don't know we have a lot to do with the Sharing Shop. This year we want to make students more aware of these programs. We have an idea that with every graduate photo taken, money would go towards the Sharing Shop. There a lot of students out there who need it but don't talk about it.

2. On an off day, where can we find you?
With my friends, outside. With my mom and brother. I love sitting outside in the sun, going for walks.

3. Best memory at Fanshawe so far?
Getting to be back here (at the FSU) for a second shot at it. To be a part of something so unique and awesome. I've met some of my best friends here... I'm a cornball.

4. What's your perfect day like?
Waking up early, going for a walk to wake up, eating the biggest breakfast and then being on a patio with my friends. Or going to the beach — my favourite.

5. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
It'd be cool to see how Barack Obama rules the U.S. It's crazy. He deals with a lot of criticism all the time. To see what he goes through every day would be unreal. It would be cool to walk in his shoes every day.