5 Questions: FSU VP Entertainment Joe Ayotte

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1. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
"(Apple CEO) Steve Jobs because he gets to use some sweet stuff all the time."

2. What was the last CD you listened to?
"A live recording of Two Crown King. It was cool. It was a recording they made here."

3. What is your Best memory at Fanshawe so far?
"Fifteen hours in the MIA studio recording a tune, doing what I came here for."

4. What's a service or event the FSU does that no one else knows about?
"The health care and dental plan — that it's done for the students by the FSU. Fanshawe doesn't do it."

5. What's one thing we should know about you and one thing we shouldn't know?
"You can talk to me at any time and I want your input and opinion. One thing you shouldn't know - what goes on after events ..."