B.A.L.L.S.: The medieval knight in modern times

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The medieval knight's suit of armour was extremely expensive to produce. This armour was also a status symbol. The better the quality of the knight's suit of armour, the more important the knight. A knight's suit of armour was strong enough to protect the knight, but light enough to allow quick movement on the battlefield. Suits of armour are more than just metal suits! They evoke a certain medieval feeling - a romantic heroism. These suits of armour were made for function, but also for visual effect. These suits evolved and changed dramatically over the centuries from the middle ages to modern times. They also adopted new names that helped identify differing makers. Names such as: Ford, General Motors, Mercedes Benz and Dodge.

Medieval knights had a code of conduct that was called chivalry. This code changed over the centuries, but the major point was that the knight was bound to care for his lands and his people.

Knights live by the following Code of Chivalry:

To protect the weak and defenseless — to ensure that your harness is secure, to make use of specialty infant harnesses, to place the extra padding at the back of your head in an upright position, and to use inflatable cloth to protect you in the event of a sudden stop.

To refrain from the wanton giving of offence — except when you feel another knight has caused you offence, then you may yell, grimace and extend your middle finger in their direction. Upon occasion you may stop abruptly mid-stride, thus throwing the offender off balance. In cases of grave disrepute, you may opt to defend your honour in the battlefield and propose a duel.

To respect the honour of women — modern knights are now often women, so this particular code is no longer in effect. In fact, you must now treat all other knights with disdain, irreverence and a general disregard for safety and respect. To distinguish yourself amongst the troops, you must dress up your armor with things that hang (fuzzy cubes and women's dainties), boxes of Kleenex, placards that stick to the back of your armour professing your beliefs and loyalties, and you must play loud sounds from within to show all the other knights what you like, forcing them to do the same.

Never to turn the back upon a foe — one must move about as quickly as possible at all times. To not slow down for yellow warning signals, but to charge ahead with a boost of speed, to even pass through red signals at risk to one's self, and at the risk of other knights and commoners forced to tread upon the ground on their feet. One must not allow mere squires that ride upon two-wheeled contraptions to use the king's road without showing your dominance. You must crowd them to the edge of the road, cut in front of them as often as possible and exit your armour directly in front of their path. You must move from one path to another without indicating your intentions and strive to remove older and foreign knights from the king's road.

To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun - The modern knight must remember: this is your world, all heads of large commerce are there to support you. The slow and imminent destruction of the world is not your affair; in fact, it must be your goal. Strive to not allow others into your armour, thus allowing other knights to rise in the ranks and achieve their own armour.

The true armour of knighthood is on the inside, not the outside.

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