Zoot: The truth about acne products

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Acne, a simple word that causes many people anguish, frustration and a major blow to their selfesteem. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules. In other words, it refers to the annoying spots that appear on the face, neck and even the back.

Unfortunately, there are no known causes for acne, only various theories that suggest that hormones, diet, stress and vitamin deficiency play some role in the vicious skin condition. To make matters even worse, there are no cures for acne, which allows many cosmetic companies to create numerous "treatments" that will "help diminish the prevalence of acne." Sadly, not all of these treatments are effective — some are even counterproductive, and only aggravates the symptoms. Since there are hundreds of acne products, most people get confused as to which product really works and will just pick the most commonly advertised ones such as Oxy, Clearasil and Bioré: three of the most counterproductive "treatments" on the market.

Oxy and Clearasil products both contain high amounts of salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and benzoyl peroxide, all ingredients that are highly potent and have an enormous drying factor to them. Most people will see their acne vanish immediately when using these products, but then face serious consequences a few days down the road. The highly potent chemicals in these formulas completely dry out blemishes, whiteheads or blackheads, which causes them to disappear. However, in the process of doing that, it is also drying out your entire face, stripping your skin of all its natural oils and moisture. Once you stop using the products, the end result of this treatment is your skin, as a reflex, starts to produce an excessive amount of sebum and oils which in turn will bring the acne right back full force. If you continue to use these products, your skin will become chronically dry, irritated and thin.

The last major culprit of these counterproductive treatments is Bioré and the Bioré Strips. Most people love the strips because once they tear it off their face; they can see the results immediately. Unfortunately, the little black specks on the strip are actually particles of dirt and skin that you have just ripped off your face. These strips cannot effectively remove blackheads as the only way to do so is by an extraction (which must be done by a professional) or by chemically removing them. These strips mainly just cause the skin to become brittle and fragile.

When looking to clear up any acne issues you may have, it is best to consult with a dermatologist (in serious cases) or with any certified aestheticians or cosmeticians. There are many alternatives out there that will help rid acne without using the harmful chemicals that just damage and dehydrate the skin. But all hope is not lost as the right treatments are available with a little bit of research. Never believe solely in what the advertisements say, because sometimes, the only results you will see is your money quickly being wasted.