Visual workout - let's get physical

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Who goes to the gym and likes checking out the hotties? I know I do.

Let's face it, checking out people we're attracted to at the gym is kind of fun. Looking at what they're wearing and seeing if they actually work out — or are just there for no good reason at all, is kind of funny.

So this year was the first year I purchased a gym membership; I was terrified of the dreaded freshmen 15 and decided, "Hey, why not?" Being the fashion student I am, I can't help but look at what people are wearing; this rule remains even at the gym, even in the midst of a heated elliptical workout — I can't help it.

I understand it's the gym, and it's the one place where fashion doesn't matter; but the reality of life is that no matter where you go, you'll be judged — and the gym is no different. The thing about gym fashion is that companies that make workout clothing make them so they have specific properties. They know we get sweaty, and they know we don't want to be dripping all over the place. Some people say that these fabrics breathe, but the official term is wick. Yes, these clothes are expensive but they really do enhance our athletic performance.

Companies like Lululemon, Underarmour and Adidas have fabric technicians who know which fabrics work best for certain sports and certain areas of the garment.

However, if they were only worried about fabrics, the quantity of people that purchase them might reconsider. Although fabrics are an extremely important part of activewear, we also look at cut and style.

You'd be surprised to see how each piece of workout wear is different. Running shoes are the obvious thing everyone needs to invest in because they change the way we walk, but don't write off the clothes.

The way we dress at the gym really does change the way we perform. So, if you're purchasing activewear consider buying a few pieces specific to your type of workout. Look up which companies sell clothing that suits the intensity of your workout but also focus on the way things look. Not only will you look good, but you'll also feel better, and we all know that when we feel a little cocky, we always work harder. So next time, you're getting ready for an intense workout at the gym consider looking good, but you might want to lay off the heavy makeup. Not only will it sweat down your face; it'll leave a nasty orange mark on your shirt that says, "Trying too hard." Happy cardio.
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