5 Questions With Rodney Sutton, FSU Building Manager

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1. What's your favourite simple recipe?
"My favourite simple recipe... well you need some Carbon, sulphur and potassium nitrate...oh wait, you mean food. I guess my white chocolate cheesecake tarts with fresh fruit topping. They always seem to be a crowd pleaser."

2. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
"I really don't think I want to switch places with anyone. My life may not be perfect, but it is mine, and there is a plan."

3. What has been your best memory at Fanshawe so far?
"Every day is memorable... for good or bad. I’m just thankful that I get to come back each morning."

4. On a day off, where can we find you?
"Day off??? What is this 'day off' you speak of? I guess reading at home or puttering around my house."

5. What’s a service or event that the FSU does that isn’t well-known?
"We have many services and events that are well publicized. I think that fact that we work well together is our greatest strength/accomplishment. We may bicker with each other at times, but we have always pulled together to get the job done well for the students, whichever area we work in."