Fun and Fitness: Interval training could liven up your routine

Interval training has been regarded as the new way of exercising for a number of years now. Your advanced trainee is most likely familiar with the concept, but the general public remains confused for the most part. Let's try to clear up some of the basics and frequently asked questions.

What exactly is interval training?
It is a form of physical activity that involves bursts of high-intensity cardiovascular exercise. It integrates periods of rest or low activity in between bouts of vigorous exercise.

Why is it such an effective method?
First and foremost, cardiovascular fitness is the most important fitness component overall, and this just happens to be a great way of improving it. Secondly, most sports involve intense bursts of activity. Think of soccer or basketball, for example; you often have to go full out, followed by brief resting periods. If you're going to train for sport, train SPECIFICALLY for your sport. Interval training helps accomplish this.

What is an example of interval training?
It could be anything, really. It could include running as hard as possible for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest, then repeating. As you progress, it could include running for 30 seconds and resting for only 20 seconds. Ideally you want to be able to train more intensely for a longer duration while minimizing the need for rest in between intervals.

Who should use interval training methods?
Anyone can incorporate interval training, but it is more advanced and not something you typically prescribe for beginners. It's not exactly something you'd tell your mom to do, especially if she hasn't trained for years. Heck, interval training for your mother might include 10 seconds of jogging followed by one or two minutes of rest then repeated — easy for you, but challenging and safe for her!

Is there anything else I should be aware of?
Interval training is very rewarding but very difficult. It requires a high degree of motivation and focus. Often, people only interval train because their coaches force them to under their supervision. It is also a fast way of burning off calories but the process is exhausting. One thing is for sure: if you do it, and you do it consistently, you will be in the best shape of your life.