Take this food and rub it!

When we think about what it means to "go green," we usually think about recycling, reusable bags and containers, composting and riding bikes. But have you ever thought about what going green can mean for your beauty regime?

According to toxicnation.ca, there are 1,198 ingredients banned in cosmetics in the European Union that are not banned in Canada. With a seemingly unregulated cosmetic industry in Canada, it is up to consumers to be aware of what they're buying and what they're putting on their skin.

Even if you are using products that claim to be "all natural" or "organic" it is important that you check the ingredients on the label. Sometimes companies will use a couple of these "all natural" ingredients and combine them with harmful chemicals, such as preservatives, so do your research.

Though it's difficult to completely switch up all your products for safer, greener and — let's be real — more expensive alternatives, there are a few things you can do using ingredients from your very own kitchen to keep you looking your best.

Here are some fun and easy beauty tips from The Green Beauty Guide blog:

Pineapple: Rubbing pineapple on your face will polish your skin, remove minor skin flakiness and reduce the size of your pores.

Fun fact: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that some studies show can slow the growth of malignant cells.

Milk: Pour some organic full-fat milk on a cotton ball and use it as a facial cleanser/makeup remover.

Fun fact: If you leave the milk on your face for a few minutes, as it sours it mildly exfoliates and leaves your skin glowing.

Epsom Salts: When Epsom salts are dissolved in a hot bath, they draw out toxins from your skin, leaving purified and tightened skin.

Fun fact: If you're not a bath person, Epsom salts can also be used as a great body scrub when you're in the shower.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: This is a multi-purpose ingredient. Use it as a massage oil, body moisturizer, makeup remover, hair conditioner and cuticle treatment. If mixed with caffeine, it can be a great cellulite treatment, or if mixed with brown sugar, a gentle body scrub.

Fun fact: Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, and some studies even show that if it is applied after sun exposure, it can have a preventative effect on the formation of skin cancer.

Honey: Like olive oil, honey (especially organic or raw honey) is a multi-purpose ingredient. If used on your skin, it exfoliates, renews cells and has anti-aging properties that will keep your skin glowing. Honey is also great for dry lips, so put a dab on before bed and wake up with soft lips.

Fun fact: Honey is historically used to heal wounds as it is a mild antiseptic and will keep your cuts and scrapes from becoming infected.

Egg Yolk: Because of the naturally occurring fatty acids found in egg yolks, they make a great scalp and hair conditioner.

Fun fact: Egg yolks contain vitamins A and E, two vitamins that are key in preventing hair loss.

Yogurt: If you use plain Greek yogurt as a facial mask, the lactic acid will reduce pore size, gently cleanse and tighten your skin.

Fun fact: Yogurt can very gently lighten skin, evening out minor skin imperfections or discolouration.

Orange Juice: Use orange juice (no, not Tropicana — actual juice from a real orange) as a facial toner. It will exfoliate your skin and dry up any blemishes or breakouts.

Fun fact: Vitamin C is a proven collagen rebuilder, so orange juice can also be used for its anti-aging properties.

Green Tea: We all know how beneficial green tea is to drink, but it is equally useful when applied to your skin. Since it is so rich in antioxidants, green tea works to protect your skin from free radicals, which speed up aging and increase your risk of cancer. Use green tea as a facial toner, refreshing spray or apply bags directly to your eyes prevent wrinkles and tired-looking eyes.

Fun fact: When applied along with sunscreen, green tea can help prevent skin cancer.

Avocado: Avocado contains vitamins A, C, E and K, so it is excellent for both hair and skin. Mix avocado with olive oil and an egg yolk for a growth-promoting hair mask. Avocado makes a great cleansing and nourishing face mask. If you have dry skin, add some honey to your mask.

Fun fact: Most of the avocado's moisturizers are on the inside of the skin, so take the avocado skin and rub the inside of it on your face for an extra dose of moisture.

Cocoa: For brunettes only: add with honey and a bit of olive oil for a colour-reviving hair mask.

Fun fact: Take a fluffy blush brush and loosely dab it in some cocoa powder, then brush it on your skin as a bronzer.

Lemon: For blondes only: use lemon juice as a quick colour-reviving rinse.

Fun fact: Lemon juice can also be used to correct self-tanning streaks.

Onions: If you have acne, puree an onion and apply it once a week as a mask.

Fun fact: Onions have also been proven to promote hair growth when applied directly to the scalp.

Garlic: Cut a clove of garlic in half, rub it on any problem pimples and leave it on overnight. Use the same procedure for cold sores, as garlic has antiseptic properties and will prevent your cold sore from becoming infected.

Fun fact: Garlic keeps vampires away, unless you're into that whole Twilight thing...

I know some of these tips sound a bit scary, but see what works for you and what doesn't, and then find a way to incorporate the successful tips into your weekly beauty regime. Not only will you become more green, but you will also save money on expensive beauty products that probably contain harmful ingredients anyway.

For more information on these beauty tips, as well as information about chemicals being included in your cosmetics, visit thegreenbeautyguide.com.