Top sites for buying and selling

We all know that one of the best ways to save money is by finding a good deal, especially when it comes to expensive items like couches or computers. No matter what you're looking for, there are lots of websites to help you find items that are gently used, cheap or even free! The site features categories including community, housing, jobs, items for sale, personals, services and discussion forums. Visitors to the site can post classified ads and respond to ads within their own region or city. Each category is displayed by date posted, making this site easy to navigate. This website is similar to Craigslist, with categories including jobs, buy and sell, pets, cars and vehicles, services, personals and real estate. Also viewed by the user's location, Kijiji has more navigation features, including search distance, subcategories and price range. eBay has an extensive list of categories, making it exceptionally easy to navigate. However, unlike Kijiji and Craigslist, eBay is not divided by region, and items must be shipped to the buyer. eBay has an auction system where potential buyers bid on items, though some items do have a "buy it now" option, where the suggested price is immediately accepted and the sale is complete. With the Freecycle website, there is no purchasing involved; everything offered on the site is free. Users can view posts from within their area, with "wanted" items in green, and "offers" in orange. Unfortunately, Freecycle does not display photos of the items being offered.
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