Beauty Boy: Keeping the glow

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As the colder season starts to hit and the sun's hours are quickly dwindling away, our tans and natural glow begin to fade. Our complexions start to turn a ghostly white, so we usually resort to one of two things: finding clothes that cover as much skin as possible or looking for ways to bring our tans back (some are healthier than others). There are a few healthy ways to keep that beautiful glow throughout the dreaded winter season.

Most men and women will resort to the most unsafe and risky avenue of keeping a tan: going to a tanning salon or parlour. Most people think that tanning salons will offer the best and longest-lasting results, which is not necessarily true. Also, the UVA and UVB rays that these tanning beds emit can cause detrimental effects to the top and bottom layers of the skin. Too much exposure to these rays can cause things such as premature aging (age spots, wrinkles), skin cancer and could potentially even lead to eye cancer. There are many other ways to keep that glow without having to put yourself in a hazardous situation.

The quickest way to add that glow back to your complexion is by using a matte bronzer and a fairly large kabuki brush. You can apply the bronzer to the face and blend it down the neck so you get an even complexion. With the bronzer, you can also apply it to the rest of the body (down your arms and shoulders). However, this method is not permanent and will come off with the slightest bit of water or sweat, so putting a sealant over the bronzer is highly recommended.

The most effective way to keep that bronzed glow throughout the winter season is by using a selftanning spray, lotion or cream. A lot of people have this idea that self-tanners are streaky, leave you looking orange and don't last long, but with advanced cosmetic technology, all these statements are untrue. Self-tanners such as Guerlain's Terracotta Self- Tanning Spray, L'Oreal Sublime GLOW and Clarins Self Tanning Instant Gel provide that perfect bronzed look and dry extremely quickly so you aren't left with any streaks.

While a lot of people are hesitant to pay for expensive cosmetics when there are cheaper alternatives, the more you pay for selftanners, the higher the quality will be. The more prestigious brands tend to dry a lot quicker, last longer and provide the best results.

Even though the dark, cold winter season is coming, there are many products and techniques you can follow to keep your beautiful complexion glowing. Avoid the harmful methods such as the UVA and UVB rays and stick to the products that will help nourish the skin as well as help you keep your glow on all winter.