Mardi Gras trio adding bounce to annual celebration

Still recovering from Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans is trying to put its best foot forward during their renowned carnival.

What used to be a vibrant display of revelry and fun has taken on a more somber tone. Gone are the young college co-eds displaying God's gifts for plastic beads. Instead the party atmosphere has been replaced with a sagging feeling, much like the New Orleans economy. But out to liven the mood and bring that party feeling back is a trio of women who have been nicknamed the Frog Ladies. The ladies are all residents of New Orleans and have French ancestry.

“We just couldn't sit back and see this carnival go to ruin,” said Antoinette Chatte. “I've been partying here for the better part of my life. Drastic times calls for drastic measures, and my friends and I decided we'd better put the bounce back in Mardi Gras.”

The Frog Ladies have become the poster children of Mardi Gras 2006. Their unique look includes having frogs painted on their upper torsos and chests, with their breasts being used as eyes and nipples as pupils. The frog tongues are cleverly working their way down the women's pants. No wonder they're constantly smiling. The trio has become local celebrities and the constant stimulation has sent their senses into overdrive.

“When we started out we wanted to make a difference. We had no clue that we'd generate this much publicity. It's been one hell of a ride so far,” said Vittoria Sein. “People are really into the body art as well. They really think it's quite clever.”

When asked about the beer brand they're promoting the women suggested that they had signed a deal with the beer company to be the face of the brand during Mardi Gras, but that is not why they've taken to the streets, topless and covered in body paint.

“Oh heavens no,” said Ellen Poitrin. “We used to be driven to acquire as many beads as possible, but this year we wanted to go beyond the beads. It's more than that. We wanted people to see that Mardi Gras is alive and well. We just decided to put our wares on display this year for everybody, 24/7, no beads attached.”

While the women have had the intention of being fun and irreverent, they have drawn the ire of the White House. In a terse press release from Washington the president stated… “We the American people can not condone this lewd and lascivious behaviour. It is reprehensible, repulsive and irresponsible. The image of these women sets a bad example for Americans. If this type of behaviour continues to be condoned New Orleans risks becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah. Hurricane Katrina was just a warning…next time the devastation will be much greater. God bless America”

White House insiders are saying the president is extremely upset, especially since he had personally visited New Orleans with his father after Hurricane Katrina in attempt to boost the tourism industry, by way of fishing on the Bayou.

The Frog Ladies attempts though at boosting Mardi Gras may also be backfiring. According to tour operators images of the women are deterring college aged party goers from making New Orleans a must stop destination. The positive spin is that it appears male septuagenarians and octogenarians are flocking to New Orleans in droves. The women remain undeterred.

“We're proud New Orleans citizens. We want people from around the country to see what a fun place this is to be, said Sein. “We're pumping up our chests with pride and we want everybody to see. End of story.”

Mardi Gras ends on February 28.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is unintentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.