Fun and Fitness: Puffing cigs will leave you puffing for air

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The number of fitness enthusiasts out there who smoke is surprisingly high. I've seen many gym patrons having a post-workout cigarette instead of a shake, and I've seen them out and about lighting up every time they suck back a cold one. Sporty smokers will most often tell you that shortness of breath and low stamina are the unfortunate outcomes. With time, they always realize that their gains would have been much greater if not for all the darts. Even occasional smokers should quit if they want to see the best results.

Find any reason to quit! If it's to save money, look better or smell better, just find a reason. No matter how trivial the reason may be, any reason that will cause you to quit is a good one. One of the most important yet difficult tips to try to follow is to stop right away! There is no time like the present, and if you try setting a quit date, you'll probably find yourself postponing it over and over again.

Get rid of all the cigarettes around you. Whether it's a carton or a pack, get rid of them in any way shape or form. Think of it like unhealthy foods; if they are there, you will eat them to get rid of them. Any remaining cigarettes should be thought of in the same fashion. Before you know it, you are smoking full-time again!

Avoid your common cues to smoking. If you always smoke at the bar, try to avoid going for a while. If you always smoke with a beer or coffee, try to avoid the two for some time. Once you have tapered off for a while, you can reintroduce these other things as a reward for avoiding cigarettes.

Continually work out. Most of us do this already, and we know about the flood of endorphins we get during exercise. This is something smokers definitely want in the absence of their favourite stimulant.

Replace smoking with another activity. Chewing gum has been a popular one for years but you will be hard-pressed to find one that tastes like the Bubbilicious brand. Perhaps, like most people, you don't drink water — try drinking a glass of water during the times you typically have a cigarette. Now you have completely traded in a negative habit for a positive one.

Lastly, think to yourself, “I will not have a cigarette today,” rather than, “I will never have a cigarette again.” It is easier to take things one day at a time than telling yourself you will have it again. Pretty soon those days will add up and they will turn into years of smoke-free living.