Don't freak out – groove out this exam season

So it's that time of the year again, and stress is spread among students like a dreaded virus: it's exam time once again and many of us are freaking out.

But maybe I can help. I've compiled a list of a few albums that have helped me through my exams and could potentially help you with yours.

1. Tron: Legacy soundtrack
The soundtrack from the Disney's Tron has been the most played album in my past two years at Fanshawe College. I know I might be cursed for saying this but it is quite possibly my favorite Daft Punk album ever. I know it is not the same as their dance-type stuff and it's for a movie, but it just proved that Daft Punk are just more than two DJs playing dance tunes. The soundtrack's ambient soundscape and intense dramatic scores are simply breathtaking, and it made me realize how awesome soundtracks are to study to (but that could be an article unto itself).

2. Anything by the band Explosions In The Sky
I am not going to name an album for this one because anything done by these guys will work for studying because of how ambient they are. To describe their genre in a nutshell, it's like classical music on heavy metal pills and tripping out. There are no vocals, just straight instrumental, but the worlds they create with those instruments are out of this world entirely.

3. Bon Iver by Bon Iver
I'm sure most of you already know about Bon Iver or have at least heard of him in one way or another, but if you haven't actually listened to this genius, well then I just feel sorry for you. What Bon Iver has been creating with his music has been so refreshing and imaginary that I feel at times it doesn't even belong on this planet. This dude knows what production is all about, and when there is space to breathe within a song, the artist/producer is doing something right. He creates so much depth and layers in each song that it's almost like you can see him painting his story on a canvas every time you close your eyes listening to his album. It's that good.

4. Sometimes by City and Colour
This is one is completely personal preference, because I know he has come out with two more solid albums since Sometimes, but I feel this one hits me personally the hardest. I feel that what Dallas Green of City and Colour accomplishes with just his voice and an acoustic guitar hasn't been done since early Bob Dylan. Yeah, maybe Dallas' voice is a hell of a lot better than Dylan's, but they are both world-class songwriters and they can tell amazing stories, which is something I like to hear while I study.

5. Fleet Foxes by Fleet Foxes
This is another band name you might have come across recently that has been stirring up some attention, and is for good reason: these guys are awesome. Similar to Bon Iver, these guys know how to use space in their music. They use the full audio spectrum canvas and throw colors at it and make it a masterpiece. Their arrangements and songwriting are superb and really refreshing — a perfect choice for studying.

So there you have it, folks, my top five albums to study to this year. This list has changed every single year I've been in school, and lately these albums have gotten me through these tough times. Give 'em a shot and hit me up on my blog at to tell me what you think — what are the artists and albums you enjoy studying to?