Get out of the workout rut

Header image for Interrobang article CREDIT: JESSICA THOMPSON
Replace your before and after the gym snacks with vegetables, fruits and proteins.

Do you ever find yourself dreading your workout or doing it half-assed? If this is case for you then stop.

Working out should be a time you look forward to, a time for relieving stress, for releasing frustrations and for letting endorphins consume your body making you feel invincible.

I find this happens with many who don't connect with someone at the gym. Some people come in and do their thing and get out; the trouble is those people tend to always do the same thing and it gets boring.

Number one thing you should do is take advantage of any fitness training services included in your membership. Most gyms offer at least an orientation to the equipment, but many offer a one-time free training session. You'd be surprised at what we can tell you in an hour and how it can change the way you view the fitness centre.

Even if there isn't a free service, it's worth it to get one, or a few, personal training sessions just to change things up.

It's also beneficial when you have a workout buddy to either chat with while you go through the routine together or to challenge each other with some friendly competition.

My sister is my favourite workout buddy because we understand one another and I always feel less stressed after a session of airing out my frustrations with her.

Sometimes all you need is someone to chat with at the end in the change room for a few minutes and it makes going to the gym that much more worthwhile.

It may also just be time to try something new. If you are a group fitness junkie or weight room rat, you might find that doing the opposite is good for you. Many people are intimidated by changing their routine, but if you've never tried group exercises, pick up a schedule and ask about all the classes and try a few that may interest you.

It could also take a few tries to get into it: everyone's first time is awkward because they are learning a new skill, so in this case, practising makes the class more enjoyable.

If you've never ventured into the weight room, ask a trainer for help first and find a friend who is comfortable in the space and can help ease you into it.

Another reason people can feel stuck in a rut when it comes to the gym is the time of day they are going. I find I'm really tired mid-late afternoon so a workout is not in the cards for me.

I prefer morning workouts, but sometimes I have the best sleeps after a 7 p.m. sweat session. Try different times throughout the week for a two-week period and figure out what time works best for you.

Make sure you've had nutritious food to eat before you begin your workout. Sugar and salt can make you crash and despite what you've heard, working out on an empty stomach is not great. Eat at least 100 calories within an hour of working out so you don't pass out.

Remember, going to the gym should be like adult recess, a time to let loose and have fun.