Find the Perfect Part-Time Job
Do you want to find a part-time job but don't know where to start applying? As students, it can be hard to find jobs that coincide with school schedules and so we've come up with job ideas that typically accommodate part time hours.
If you are interested in clothing and have great fashion sense, this job is for you. Help others put together a great outfit, arrange displays and inform customers of special offers. Retail is a great way to establish teamwork skills and confidence in your communication.
Food services
When it comes to serving in the food industry there are endless possibilities. Options include working in a bakery or café, fast food chains such as McDonalds and coffee shops such as Tim Hortons or Starbucks. Something as simple as making someone's coffee can brighten someone's morning and you could be a part of that moment.
Grocery stores
There are many departments in a grocery store such as bakery, produce, deli, cashier, among many others. With a large variety of work options it is easy to find a job that fits your interest. This job helps build customer service, communication and team building skills.
Are you a bookworm and want to make it into a career? Introducing a job where you can spend your entire day surrounded by your favourite things. Arranging displays, putting away books, checking inventory and recommending books will be your task, and also smelling the occasional new book (of which no other scent can compare).
Is there a specific subject you excel at and do you find it easy to explain concepts to others? This could be a great way for you to teach students of all ages a subject they may be struggling with. It will allow you to work on your instructional and explanation skills and engrain the knowledge in your head at the same time.
Day care/after school program
If you love kids and enjoyed babysitting in your younger years, working at a day care or after school program is a good option. This position allows you to make meaningful connections, be a role model and work on your leadership skills.
This job is good for any outgoing socialite who enjoys night life, bars and meeting new people. Whether it be at a family restaurant or a bar, it is a great place to work on your people friendly and service skills, plus you can make some great tips.
Do you love working out or are you hoping to get in shape and could really use a facility to get started at? The best thing about working at a gym is the fact that you can work out on your break or after your shift. When you work at a gym you often get a free membership to the facility which is always a bonus.
Animal shelter/pet store
If you love animals this one is for you. Spending time with animals can be a great stress reliever plus who wouldn't want to take care of some cute kittens or, if it's your thing, snakes.