Student discounts: perks and other ways to save in college

Some college students know what it's like to live a meagre life. The person eating ramen noodles daily and asking to do laundry at a friend's house, might benefit from learning a few ways to save money in college.
Cars are expensive in it of themselves; with payments, insurance, and gas. Then coming to college and having to pay for parking can add up. Sometimes it's actually better to forgo the use of a car and bus it to school; just park near a bus route that will take you to campus. This is especially advantageous because as a Fanshawe student, your student card doubles as a bus pass.
Every semester, students get a list of books they are expected to purchase. Some students seek to get ahead by buying the books before classes start. Buying books early shows great academic initiative, but it's important to do so with financial consciousness. Before purchasing books do research and make sure it is the correct book, and the current edition. See if there's a used copy; check what's available at the bookstore and online in Fanshawe's Facebook groups. Furthermore, many books are available at the library; one pro-tip is to photocopy the pages of the textbook in the library as you need them.
Students get a card that proves their enrollment and allows them access to services and discounts inside and outside of the college. Grocery stores have student discount days; just check the company website or call ahead to find out when the discount days are for your favourite grocery store. Also many retailers offer student discounts, but many times the discounts aren't applied unless you ask about them or identify yourself as a student.
As busy college students it can be difficult to find time to cook for yourself, but do it. The time spent shopping and cooking is money saved. Limit how often you eat out. Make yourself coffee instead of buying a coffee every morning. Pack your lunch instead of buying lunch every day.
Be cautious of going out too often, it can be a drain on your finances. Take advantage of events at the school; they're student-friendly priced, some are free, and offer prizes (i.e. sex toy bingo and trivia night).
The great events going on around the college are matched only by the student services. The Fanshawe Sharing Shop allows students to get ten items, three times a semester.
The FSU also puts on a Collective Kitchen each semester; students can sign up free of charge to learn new gourmet recipes, and take home the food they make.
For student gamers who left their favorite gaming console at the home check out the Gamesroom and play one of four consoles free of charge. You can also rent gaming consoles (that cannot be taken off campus), video games, and movies at the Media Services desk in the library to the right of the entrance. Not only can you rent video games, you can also rent a bicycle at the Biz Booth for three days totally free.
Fanshawe also provides many job opportunities to students wanting to earn a little extra cash to help pay their way through the post-secondary experience. For people who have already successfully completed a program you can apply to be a peer tutor. Peer tutor contracts can be bought by students at the book store for $20 and provides five hours of tutoring. Tutors make almost twelve dollars an hour due to college subsidize. Find out about work-study positions and more job openings at the Career Services Office D1063.
College students can learn to save money by reducing their spending. Part of learning to being an adult and navigating the working world is figuring out where the deals are and how to utilize them. While going to college poses many new expenditures, there are plenty of options available in the college and the community that can help students properly mitigate their spending.
To access The Sharing Shop, please go to or go to the Fanshawe Student Union main office to fill out an intake form.