Get to know your FSU clubs: EnviroFanshawe

Join EnviroFanshawe to meet like-minded peers who care about the environment.
President: Rebecca Amendola (2019-Present)
Vice President: Rebecca Stefan (2019 – Present)
Established: January 2019
Social Media:
Facebook – EnviroFanshawe
Instagram – @EnviroFanshawe
EnviroFanshawe is a Fanshawe Student Union (FSU)-sanctioned club started by Rebecca Amendola in January 2019.
“EnviroFanshawe is made up of students who care about the environment and that much of the work we do is for the betterment of the campus as a whole,” Amendola said.
While both Amendola and vice president Nicole Stefan stated that their lives have become immensely busier running EnviroFanshawe, they have both been “blessed with countless opportunities to connect with staff and students at Fanshawe who are genuinely concerned about the environment and want to make a change,” something that both Amendola and Stefan find very encouraging. If you would like to join Enviro- Fanshawe you can at any time by emailing the email address above. Chelsea Bancroft is the Fanshawe Student Union’s (FSU) advocacy & communications coordinator. If you have any questions about EnviroFanshawe or other FSU clubs, you can contact her at 519.452.4109 ext. 6341 or