Fanshawe cancels classes for one week, online learning to follow

Classes will be cancelled for the week of March 16 to 20, with as many online classes as possible beginning March 23.
Fanshawe College is cancelling classes for the week of March 16 to 20 due to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, Interrobang has learned.
An email sent to Fanshawe employees with a message from Fanshawe President Peter Devlin also announced that the cancellation also applies to dual credit and apprenticeship classes. Students can go home and study remotely if they wish and are encouraged to continue their studies during that week.
The College plans to have as much online classes as possible starting on March 23. In-person classes will continue on April 6 to align with the elementary and secondary school closures. More details on alternative class arrangements are expected to be announced on March 19.
Co-op and other job placements are expected to continue or be changed depending on the individual employer’s decision. Students can ask their co-op consultants if they have any questions.
Fanshawe’s buildings, facilities, and services will remain open, including Counselling and Accessibility, student residences, food services, study labs and lounges, the Student Wellness Centre and the Library. College staff are expected to attend work unless they are on another approved leave or are sick, and should talk to their supervisor regarding extraordinary circumstances requiring accommodations.
All Fanshawe-sanctioned travel, domestic and international are cancelled and all College conferences and events are cancelled or postponed until further notice.
Additional health and safety measures have been implemented at Fanshawe, with most focus on high contact and high traffic areas. Additional housekeeping staff have also been hired to frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces and more cleaning will occur overnight.
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