Nameless Friends aim for “world domination” in 2023

Nameless Friends can be seen wearing black uniforms, criticizing the government and going through a lot of glitter during performances.

Nameless Friends is a modern glam rock band that started in 2016. Lydia Wilton is the main vocalist and she met their guitarist and other band members when they were at Western University. From there, the group made it on tour after they graduated in 2017. Shortly afterwards, the band dissolved as everyone went their separate ways with their post-grad options. They decided to take a year off and when 2018 came around they found their drummer. Since then, this version of the band has existed and are the musicians that have written and played all of their recordings.

The band is very unique compared to other artists due to their names.

“Because we’re nameless, we don’t have names! The three permanent members of Nameless Friends are Number One, who plays lead vocals and rhythm guitar. Number Three is our lead guitar, and Number Four is our drums. We are a small group of extremely talented musicians that rotate who perform as Number Two, bass; and we’ve had up to Number Five, backing vocals; Number Six, keyboards; and Number Seven, a second drummer that joins us in live concert performances,” Wilton stated.

The Fanshawe College Student Services and Here For You logos are shown. A young woman is shown sitting at a desk. Text states: Exam time can feel overwhelming. Let us help you succeed. We are here for you.

Nameless Friends can be seen wearing black uniforms, criticizing the government and going through a lot of glitter during performances. The band has been described as modern glam, prog-punk and metal- adjacent. They have slowly changed what category they would fit into in the traditional genres of music.

“We’ve picked up a little steam in the past few years! We’re grateful for solid support in London as our hometown. We’ve seen a bit of growing buzz around Ontario. We have an awesome fanbase in Serbia (our drummer immigrated from Serbia eight years or so ago). The Serbian media keeps up with our releases and published a glowing review of our first EP,” Wilton said

Fanshawe TV and Film Broadcasting student Gibson Szafran recently landed a job with Nameless Friends as part of their marketing team, videographer, and more.

“I wear many hats when it comes to what my job entails for them. Whatever they need, I am it,” Szafran stated. He is a dedicated film student and made connections with Wilton on a set a couple years ago and has been with them for over six months now. Since then, they have become good friends.

Wilton explained how the band came together and chose their type or music.

“All three of us grew up as huge music fans, religiously listening to bands we liked, and I was captivated by the idea that I could write my own songs to tell stories that I didn’t hear being told on the records I was listening to. We all dabbled in bands of varying seriousness and success (our drummer’s old band Equinox wins, they’re great) before we found each other in London, and it was a combination of chemistry and shared vision that brought us together as Nameless Friends. We have a grand time playing together, and we’re all interested in trying to tell the same kind of stories and make the same kind of connections with listeners that were so important to us growing up.”

Nameless Friends definitely have high hopes for the new year. They will be releasing their debut original album and some singles and music videos to go with them.

“We’re releasing our debut original album in the new year, and this is our first record where we’re actually choosing (or at least trying) not to have expectations…We’re really proud of all the new tunes, we hope everyone is as moved by them as we are. This album is very personal: a lot of the lyrics grapple with how our personal identities have become politicized, even targeted, and we’ve pushed ourselves instrumentally to compose music that reflects the intensity of those experiences. Wilton explained.

But overall, Wilton had this goal for 2023:

“Become even closer friends than ever. Make new friends. World domination.”