Pumping station meets untimely demise

Despite a soaring Canadian dollar consumers have seen little or no benefit as retailers continue to line their pockets.

Even more distressing for Canadians is the continuing gas gouge that takes place every time a tank is filled up.

Enter Lou Jonson and his family who decided enough was enough and took matters into his own hands.

Jonson, a Clarke Road area man dug a tunnel under his home to tap into a large Petrol Canada operated gasoline pipeline that ran beneath it.

Apparently, local police and other city officials and the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario found nothing suspicious about a traffic jam of cars lined-up in front of Jonson's home to fill their gas tanks from a garden hose.

Jonson kept all his neighbours gas tanks full, and as word spread more and more people decided to visit what neighbours dubbed “The Twoonie A Tank Shop” for the $2 a fill-up charge, but the increased petroleum depletion from Petrol Canada reserves started to become noticeable.

Fearing a gas leak of some sort, Petrol Canada officials began an investigation into the disappearance of thousands and thousands of litres of petroleum that eventually led them to Jonson's backyard hose.

“We're disturbed that this has taken place,” said a Petrol Canada official. “Now we're going to have to raise prices to the $1.21 litre range to recoup our losses.”

Jonson has yet to be charged, but he claims since their was no easement on his property the gas was his to do with what he wanted as the pipeline ran under his yard.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.