Fun and Fitness: Water key to the body

I love water. Without it, we wouldn't have wet t-shirt contests, super soaker fights, showers, water balloons, pool parties, pretty clouds, Kool-Aid and fire fighters. Oh, and we wouldn't have had the Wet Banana. Yet, its importance is often overlooked because we've become so accustomed to having unlimited access to it. I think now's a good time to give water some props.

Three quarters of the human body is made up of water. The body requires between one and seven litres of water per day to function normally and avoid dehydration. How much you need to drink depends on several factors such as activity level, temperate, heat and humidity. If you get thirsty, you can bet you're already dehydrated and that you need to step up your liquid game. Water is the main catalyst in all bodily functions. It assists in all cellular functions and helps maintain a state of equilibrium within the body.

Water acts as a joint lubricant and eases them from soreness and inflammation. It is extremely important in the removal of waste by-products and toxins formed in the body from metabolic processes. Water is also crucial in promoting healthy skin. Believe me, when you get a little older like myself, you'll start noticing new wrinkles underneath your eyes and you'll gain a whole new appreciation for H2O. Water also acts as a natural appetite suppressant. The more water we get from beverages as well as healthy foods, the less likely we are to get massive cravings. Water has ZERO calories. You can drink water all day and never have to worry about unwanted weight gain.

It seems that water is the most underrated and effective key to weight loss. Most of us know that a high percentage of our water intake comes from foods. When the body doesn't get enough water, it'll metabolically shift into a defensive mode to “preserve” what fat stores it currently has. A healthy diet including adequate water and “good fats” will ensure you're getting enough of these essential nutrients to avoid this defensive mechanism.

Inadequate water intake also forces the body to retain what little water it has left! Drinking lots of water is the best way to remove water from underneath the skin because your body gets accustomed to excreting it through urine on a consistent basis. This will be of most interest to those of you looking to get that leaner looking physique. Nobody wants blurred muscle definition now do they? I won't even bother getting into the importance of water in bodybuilding. The fact that muscle is made up of 75 per cent water should speak for itself. Hell, the fact that water makes up 75 per cent of the entire body screams importance.

I could go on and on and on about water, but I think you get the point. The disadvantages of water include rainy days, pissing more often and drowning if you're a shitty swimmer. The advantages include everything else you could possibly think of. I love water, we all should. If I could date water, I would take it out and romanticize it because it deserves that kind of treatment and respect. I've even switched my nightly cocktail from rum and coke to vodka/water. Talk about best of both worlds, but I digress. GO DRINK WATER!