What do you know about sex?

The average speed of ejaculation is 28 mph.

The biggest erect penis on record is 13 inches while the smallest is 13/4 inches

The first couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television were Fred and Wilma Flintstone.

The average shelf life for a latex condom is about two years

The average man gets around seven erections a day. Sadly, five of those are in his sleep.

The female orgasm is a powerful painkiller that releases endorphins within the brain, so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex (sorry ladies)

Sex is healthy. There's more protein in the average ejaculation than there is in a medium-sized pork chop

The average man can keep an erection for around 40 minutes, even though he might not last that long. The average woman takes about 20 minutes to climax from oral sex.