Movies that are good in bed

This article is not guaranteed to get you laid, nothing is guaranteed-just keep this article in the back of your mind next time you want some action.

For the men

1) Do not try to go with the obvious choice..The Notebook, a guy tried it with me once and I could see right through it. As will any girl so saying that “you have never seen it”, or that “you want to see it”, or start crying at the middle or end of the movie will score you no points.

2) Do not go with a scary movie, she will spend most of her time looking over your shoulder or turning on the lights to make sure something's not there.

3) Go with something semi-interesting and semi-lame and boring that she has no interest in at all. Nothing like old Star Wars, Back To The Future, Lord Of The Rings- NONE! I'm saying something more along the lines of Lethal Weapon, where if she missed a minute of the film it's not the end of the world

Movies I suggest trying:
- Lethal Weapon 1,2,3
- Cast Away
- Jar Head
- Batman Begins
- The Matrix
- Donnie Darko
- The Grudge

For the ladies

1) Movies with lots of blood, gone and crazy fight scenes DON'T WORK! Stay away from SHOOT ‘Em Up, Kill Bill v1 and v2, or any of the Borne Series. If you want to try an action movie go with the suggested above or an old kung-fu one.

2) If you're daring you could choose a movie featuring an uber-hot actress, and if you're even more daring you can get a movie that is rated R. Hostel could be a potentially good choice if you can handle the gore, or Mr. and Mrs. Smith (two of the most beautiful people on earth in an action/comedy/romance you can't go wrong)

3) No matter how sexy you think it is, Sex and the City is a bad choice. Informing the guys on all of the weird tendencies and conversations we have with our friends, as well as the frequent sex scenes between Samantha and who ever that night could get a little awkward.

Movies I suggest trying:
- Wedding Crashers (although most guys know that movie line for line, it's a classic, awkward love story)
- Scary movie 1-3
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith
- Jaw Breaker
- Blow (staring Penelope Cruz and Johnny Depp, get your mind out of the gutter)

Once again, this article is not guaranteed to get you laid, it might just make things a little bit easier. Stay clean, stay focused and have a happy Sexual Awareness Week.