Came for school, not food

Sean (Shuai) Wang has been studying English as a Second Language (ESL) at Fanshawe since the summer of 2008. He came to Canada to try something new, improve his English, and perhaps one day restart his career in the medical profession.

1. Where are you from? What did you used to do before you came to Fanshawe College?
I come from China and my hometown is Ji Nan. I worked as an intern at a hospital there, but when I came to Canada I finished my job. I also used to sell medicine to hospitals. My mom was a manager in a hospital so that's how I was able to start working there.

2. Why did you decide to come to Fanshawe?
In China you can't always choose many different paths, but I wanted to choose a different path for myself. So I chose to come to Canada because I heard many people say that Canada is a beautiful country and that the people are friendly. But it's also a little bit cold and I don't like the cold!

3. What did you enjoy the most about your life in London?
Right now I've been here for eight months already. Most of my life here has been taken up with studying ESL, so I almost can't say. Some days it feels like all I do is make food and study. Right now I'm living in a townhouse and I have four roommates, so that also keeps me busy.

4. Is there anything from Canada that you wish you could bring home to your own country?
Maybe... Actually, in Canada many of the things you can buy here are made in China. So, my teacher said that when I go back home and bring many things with me I will just be bringing back things that came from China originally. But I'll probably bring some coats and clothes back for my mom and also drinks like scotch and vodka. Some of those drinks are cheaper here than China.

5. What was the most difficult or challenging part of your life in London?
I can remember when I first came here and my English was very, very poor and I didn't know enough words. When I first arrived my plane was late and I missed the plane I need to transfer to. I missed my next flight so I took another plane but it arrived so late that the person meeting me was gone. Anyway, I came to London and my English was very poor and I didn't even know what to say if I was hungry or needed something to drink. It was difficult to do even simple things like this and sometimes I felt sad when communicating was such a challenge.

6. Is there anything you missed about your home country while you lived in Canada?
Of course I miss my mom. She's a very good mother. She always gave me food and money and taught me about life. I haven't seen her for eight months already so I can only call her right now. I really, really miss her. But before I go back I will have to change my hair colour. If my mom sees my new hair colour, she will freak out.

7. What is one special memory that you think you never forget from your time in Canada?
Yes, but it's actually a bad memory. My home stay family wasn't that good at first and never really prepared enough food. I felt hungry all the time. Also, she wasn't a good cook. She said she was a good cook, but I don't know. Maybe sometimes people in different countries like different things. But my teachers here have been interesting. Everyone has different ways of thinking and all the teachers have taught me things that I didn't know before. At first I couldn't do anything, but now I can do all my shopping, rent a house, buy a car, whatever.

8. What are your plans for the future?
If I finish the ESL I will maybe take a nursing course here in Canada. I would like to get my doctor's degree here, but it takes maybe five to eight years. So I'll take nursing first and if I can do more I will go to medical school. I've heard that Canada needs doctors and nurses. Maybe I'll stay here for a few years after I graduate and if life is good I might live here for a long time. But if my mom really wants me to go back to China I might also do that.

Each week the Interrobang will profile an international student who is attending, or attended Fanshawe. International Students who would like to be involved or find out more please contact Daragh C. Hayes at