10-year v-ball vet shares her pre-game secrets

Nadia Jevinkar is a Fanshawe volleyball player.

1. What attracted you to volleyball?
The intensity of the game and the emotion behind it.

2. What do you hope to get out of playing volleyball?
Good health and a killer body.

3. When did you start playing volleyball?
Grade six - this is my 10th year.

Nadia Jevinkar4. How has volleyball affected your life?
It has made me a team player, taught me alot of life lessons like fairness, and built up some competitiveness.

5. How demanding is your volleyball schedule?
Very demanding - practice four nights a week, play one game a week plus tournaments.

6. Who is your favourite volleyball player?
Mark Heese (beach volleyball).

7. What is the most difficult part of volleyball?
Constantly pushing yourself to be better, as well as showing up to give 100 per cent every night.

8. What could Santa bring to the team?
The OCAA provinical gold!

9. What's the worst injury you've received?
I severely sprained my ankle.

10. What do you eat pre-game?
Pasta, fruit and bananas (damn those calf spasms!)