Healthy Fit: Spring fitness is here - time to ramp up your activity

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It's time to spring out from winter inactivity and hibernation and into wonderful spring weather and outdoor activities.

Within the spring season, we spend most of our leisure time doing various activities outside. Since you're already out there, take on some fun exercise activities that can be enjoyed with friends or family.

For many people, this may be the beginning of any sort of workout since winter. The best way to start getting in the right fitness groove for spring is taking it slow but steady.

Beginners tend to go hard on their first few exercises, causing their bodies to weaken after being overworked too quickly. Working out two or three times a week is the best way to prepare your body for more intense routines.

Knowing your intensity level is always beneficial for starters, this way you always stick to what you can do and proceed at a pace that your body can endure.

Eventually, you'll need to gradually increase your training as you get more into the workout. If your workout consists of weight lifting, then think about increasing the amount you lift. Add an extra pound every so often, but don't get too excited.

Depending on the amount of inactivity during the winter season, it may take a longer time for your body to establish a solid fitness base. Don't get impatient with your body - work with it until you know it's ready for more intense workouts.

Parks are great places for outdoor fitness activities. There are running trails and lots of room to play games that involve running, jumping, skipping and climbing. If you have any pet dogs, going for long walks or light jogs makes the activity more fulfilling. Don't forget to bring a bottle of water with you, as not all parks or outdoor facilities have accessible water stations.

Health and fitness habits are best developed in the early stages of exercise. Make sure you keep a record of all the fitness routines, how much time you allocate to each workout and specific descriptions of what you did. This will ensure that you have data to measure your success and what you can change or improve upon to reach your goal more realistically.

A well-drafted plan also ensures that you're doing a workout that's right for you and your body.

Train with others who are also trying to get back into the workout zone. Having someone accompany you can help you be more consistent in your workout routine, can provide a source of motivation and can help make the workout more fun.

Make sure your workout partner is at the same level of training as you are. Training with others who are way ahead of you can cause you to compete with their intense level and burn yourself out way too quickly. Once you have established a good fitness base, you can then seek those with more fitness experience to guide you and workout at their pace.

The most important piece of workout advice: have fun while you're at it.

Spring is a great time to show others that you're not only having fun but trying to look and feel your best for many more springs to come.