There are no bad foods, only bad diets

Big Macs are NOT bad for you. Kit Kats are NOT bad for you. Hell, not even bacon covered in ice cream and gravy is bad for you. However, eating McDonalds seven times a week IS bad for you. Having Reece's Pieces every day for breakfast IS bad for you. The bacon topped with ice cream and gravy shouldn't even be an issue here because if you're crazy enough to eat that, you deserve to die. Anyhow, I think you're starting to get my point; there are no bad foods, only bad diets.

I eat McDonalds once every few weeks on average. Do I feel guilty each time I order the number 10 (double quarter-pounder combo, a.k.a. master of grease)? I sure as hell don't. Does it affect my body in any sort of negative way? Nope, but I'm sure when I'm 65 and order it then, it'll probably upset my stomach a little. Does it change my physique at all? Not that I can remember and come to think of it, I sometimes look better when I wake up in the morning after a McDonalds combo from the previous night. Does it change my mental state in any sort of negative manner? Not at all, I'm lovin' it. When I'm at the Ronald McDonald store, “McPigs” is nothing but good medicine for this guy.

Now, the ‘Super Size Me' dude is a whole different story all together. For the two people in Fanshawe who don't know what I'm talking about, Super Size Me is a documentary about some guy who decides to do a 30-day experiment. I have yet to see the movie, but from what I've heard, he basically eats McDonalds every day for an entire month. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all McDonalds meals and to add insult to injury, whenever the guy is offered to have his meal super sized, he gladly says yes every time. Basically after a month, the guy puts on a ridiculous amount of weight, his stomach becomes ‘toxic' and his experiment almost turns into an accidental suicide. Well, no shit buddy! We all thought you we're going to turn into Mr. Universe and feel like a million bucks after that ordeal.

In all honesty, I think most people were shocked by how sick the guy got. But common sense would tell most of us that consuming McDonalds every day for every meal is asking for serious trouble.

If you drink every day, bad things are going to happen. If you smoke like a chimney, bad things are going to happen. If you “Super Size” everything, bad things are definitely going to happen. Everything needs to be done in MODERATION. In fact, a glass of red wine a day has been shown to have positive benefits on the human heart. Let's face it, we all need to treat ourselves. The so called ‘bad foods' taste far too good and if we don't indulge in them from time to time, we'd all go insane. If your diet is rockin' healthy, you could even get away with having a complete cheat day each week and it won't affect you. Moderation is the key my friends.

If your not quite sure what I mean, here's a simple formula to remind you; 1 glass red wine/day = good for heart but 10 glasses red wine/day = good for heart attack.