Cinema Connoisseur: A-peel-ing Apple film is good to the core

iSteve (2012)
This week will mark the two-year anniversary of the passing of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. When news of his passing first broke, the Internet went bananas. Take a look at some of these Tweets:
@Schwarzenegger (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Steve lived the California Dream every day of his life and he changed the world and inspired all of us.
@aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) We have all surfed on the wake of Steve Jobs ship. Now we must learn to sail, but we will never forget our skipper
@interrobang_fsu (Interrobang) Just finished delivering the September 9 issue to stands around #Fanshawe. Get ‘em while they're hot!
Okay, that last one has nothing to do with Steve Jobs, I just really think you should follow the Interrobang on Twitter.
My own reaction to the passing of Jobs was quite different. Basically I thought, iDon'tGiveaDamn.
Now don't get me wrong, it is rarely cause for celebration when anyone dies. Thousands die each day, and that sucks. But this type of tribute and reverence should be reserved for the passing of truly historic individuals. Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi and Andre The Giant — these are the type of people I am talking about. Not a man who worked for a company that makes fancy electronic doohickeys, and happened to sell more of those doohickeys than other doohickey manufacturers. I'll stop saying doohickey now, but I'll continue by stating that I have never understood the reverence that certain people treat Jobs and his company Apple with. It is like a religion. And I'm not saying this because I use Microsoft products — which, by the way, are available as a free download for Fanshawe students. Check out for details. I promise that will be the last schill for the Fanshawe Student Union in this article, if I do it again, I will buy you a regular coffee for $1.29 in Oasis.
Before I wrap up this review, I should probably begin it. I recently had the opportunity to watch the film iSteve, the first feature-length film from the folks at Funny or Die. The aforementioned Ashton Kutcher recently starred in a serious, melodramatic take on the former Apple CEO's life simply titled Jobs. iSteve was the first Steve Jobs flick to hit the market, and took a vastly different approach to detailing his life.
iSteve is a comedic and largely embellished take on Job's rise to the top of the business world. Justin Long (who played the Mac guy in those famous I'm aMac/I'm a PC commercials) portrays Jobs, and does so with great comedic skill. It is truly his best work since his turn as Britney Spears' love interest in Crossroads.
The film takes a tongue-in-cheek look at Jobs' relationship with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak (Jorge Garcia, best known as Hurley from Lost), and also his friendship with Microsoft head Bill Gates. This relationship in particular seems highly dramatized, as I was unable to find any information online about a love triangle between the two and Gates' wife Melinda, or a fistfight between the two on the set of a commercial. That is not to say these events didn't happen, however, as the two men certainly could have conspired to remove all such coverage off of the Internet.
iSteve is a classic rags to riches, back to rags, and finally back to ungodly riches story. While I am not a huge fan of the man the film showcases, I did enjoy this take on the life of a man who apparently touched a lot of people during his abbreviated time on the planet. He was here, and then he was gone in a flash. Not to be confused with Adobe Flash, which does not work on most of his products.