America's Iraq and Afghanistan exit strategy includes invading Grenada

With the United States struggling to find a way home from Iraq and Afghanistan, a leaked Pentagon memo may hold the solution.

The memo indicates that with American military might taking an international beating, and that there is also a groundswell of support to bring the troops home, America should turn to old foe Grenada to restore its swagger.

Back in 1983, America invaded the tiny island nation in the southeastern Caribbean Sea including the southern Grenadines to overthrow a Marxist-Leninist regime that was in bed with Cuba. But that invasion also came on the heels of the American embassy hostage crisis in Iran and America wanted to flex their collective muscle to show the World they still had their might.

The Pentagon suggests that Grenada, the second-smallest independent country in the Western Hemisphere (after Saint Kitts and Nevis) would be an ideal target. However the difficulty in invading the tiny country of 100,000 people is coming up with an ideal reason.

There are suggestions that the Cricket World Cup 2007 being held in Grenada in April may provide America with the right backdrop to invade. The Cricket World Cup is being touted as six matches, 600 overs, 2.2 billion viewers, one rockin' island. Grenada rocks in 2007.

Pentagon officials are concerned with the words “rockin' island” and “Grenada rocks” as potential code wording for terrorist attack on America, especially since the world is purportedly watching. The advantage of attacking during the World Cup of Cricket is that American's have no clue about cricket. It's a game American's don't understand or care to understand, and it has nothing to do with football, baseball or NASCAR racing.

Officials at the White House when confronted with the memo have down played its significance suggesting that it was an error of judgement by a low level official.

Disclaimer: Stories printed in the Fanshawe Distorter are in fact fictious. Any resemblance to persons real or dead is intentional and entirely hilarious. Proudly distorting the truth since 2005.
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