The Heel Turn: Young's "puppies" a scary sight

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In honour of it being the Halloween season, I thought I'd review five of the scariest/most disturbing moments in WWE history.

5. The Brood's bloodbaths - Edge and Christian have changed a lot since this gimmick, but from 1998-99 they were part of the Brood, a clan of vampires started by Gangrel. The unholy trio would rise through a ring of fire onto the stage and make their way down to the ring, with Gangrel holding a chalice of blood, which he would always later drink from. Their main trademark was the execution of the bloodbath, which took place before or after a match. The lights would go off, the flashing red lights of Gangrel's entrance would go on, and then when the lights were turned back on, their targeted opponent would be covered in blood. For a short time they were a part of the Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness, before leaving over their refusal to sacrifice Christian.

4. The Undertaker hangs Big Boss Man - During Wrestlemania XV, a Hell in a Cell match took place between the Undertaker and Big Boss Man. The Brood appeared on the top of the cage and lowered a noose down to the Undertaker, who proceeded to put it around Boss Man's neck. As the cage was raised, so was Boss Man. This was accomplished by a special harness, so that Boss Man was not actually being choked. Still, the sight of him dangling in the air like that was extremely ominous.

3. Undertaker crucifies Stone Cold Steve Austin - On one of the most controversial episodes of RAW ever, back in December 1998, the Undertaker concluded a beating of Stone Cold by "crucifying" the Texas Rattlesnake to a gigantic Undertaker symbol, which was then raised in the air. The satanic-like symbolism really got under a lot of people's skins, and was a prime example of just how evil the Undertaker was during the Ministry of Darkness days.

2. Kane's unmasking - In 2003 Kane was being tormented for weeks by Triple H, who was leading the Evolution stable at that time. Triple H went to great lengths to antagonize Kane, even making a video implying that Kane had done unspeakable things to Katie Vick, which still stands as one of the most infamous incidents today. Kane would finally remove his mask on RAW, revealing a hideously burnt face. This prompted commentator Jim Ross to inquire, "Is that a human?" Kane snapped and chokeslammed his own tag team partner Rob Van Dam, thereby beginning his descent into evil. He went on to do horrendous things, such as piledriving Linda McMahon, and setting Jim Ross on fire, which even I thought was a bit too much for RAW to show, not to mention the Katie Vick stuff which perhaps pushed the envelope too far.

1. Mae Young flashes her breasts - Mae Young is probably old enough to have seen dinosaurs in real life, which makes what she did at Royal Rumble 2000 all the more frightening. During the first ever Miss Rumble contest, Jerry Lawler was about to announce a winner when Mae came down to the ring unexpectedly and interrupted him. Lawler was always a fan of what he referred to as "puppies," so Mae decided to show hers to Lawler and to the arena audience. Problem is, at Mae's age those things ain't puppies anymore! Jaws may have made people afraid to go in the water, but this moment made WWF viewers afraid to turn on their TVs.